Wednesday 27 November 2013

reflection of teaching the primary school children.

After teaching the primary school children, we had a session to reflect on how we found it. We were asked the questions 'What did you like?' 'What did you find surprising?' and 'What was challenging?'. Listening to different people's responses was interesting as they were so different to my own. After this discussion, we talked about what we would need to consider before, after, and during delivering a dance session to primary school children. Our responses were placed upon the posters above and we elaborated upon each one in a group discussion.

rehearsal 27/11/13

The above photos are snapshots of movements I perform within my solo. They aim to communicate a contrast in levels and therefore the change of emotions and conflict.

Friday 15 November 2013

scrapbook notes

scrapbook notes: siobhan davies replay


These images are of key moments within my solo so far, some of which are motifs that are going to be developed to aid me when communicating my theme of 'home' and 'the bird leaving the nest'.

This image above shows me exposing my forearms, wrists, and palms which demonstrates vulnerability and pleading for help. It is part of a key motif that I am going to develop in various ways e.g. change of levels, facings etc.

Here I shoot my right arm forward with the dynamics including: sharp, sudden, weighted. This is to contrast the smooth fluent dynamics previously performed to show the struggle of emotions I have experienced from leaving home.

Here I am manipulating my one arm by pushing it over my torso which leads me into a roll on my sit bones to standing. The manipulation of limbs and other body parts also aids in communicating my theme as it shows the fight between myself on being at university (moving away) and being at home.

These images above are of an elevation that contrast with the previous floor work performed. This constant contrast in levels demonstrates the constant contrast in emotions and feelings I have experienced.

These two images are of another elevation performed in contrast to the floor work for the same reasons as the previous elevation. However, where the straddle jump is open to suggest again being open and vulnerable to pain and confusion, this jump is quite confined to suggest holding all these emotions inside and not showing any weakness.

The above 3 images are of a hop around to change my facing from downstage to upstage. Before this action takes place, I reduce my personal kinasphere by performing a distorted angular shape with my body, to then burst out with this hop; these contrasts all show the constant change in emotions, all whilst travelling along the set pathway from upstage left (home) to downstage right (moving away).

Thursday 14 November 2013

How can blogging assist you as both a student and an artist?

Blogging can aid you by providing you with the tools to write down anything you feel is necessary; this can include a variety of sources and can cover many aspects.

For a student and an artist in particular, blogging is an advanced way of keeping track of your progress and posting whichever resources you feel to include. Many artists / students will use a blog as a diary form to view their progress, and within this they will include images, videos, their emotions/feelings from that particular day, due to the date and time being also posted, to keep track of themselves. If an artist's blog is public, it also allows others to view their progress and/or anything they have posted which can provide others with inspiration, and vice versa if the artist views others' blogs. 

Dancers can enhance their passion and involvement within the art via blogging, due to the inspiration other blogs may provide, re-visiting past blogs they have posted to view progress, and continuing to be a part of dance outside of the studio and on the internet.