Monday 2 December 2013

Work In Progress

Due to the solo assignment, we attended a 'work in progress' session where we performed our solos to each other without explaining anything about it. From this, feedback was given from both the students in the class and Katye and Nicola.
The one sheet above shows the feedback that Lewis wrote for me whilst I sat after performing my solo and received what my class mates thought about it, and what Katye and Nicole thought about it. The other sheet is just of what Katye noted down about my solo.
From the feedback I was able to see what people wanted to see more of, what they liked about it, and what I could do to improve.
I have taken the feedback on board and consequently done several things: I have researched both Pina Bousch and Yvonne Rainer to look at their interpretation of limbs. This is has made me want to elaborate on my 'manipulation of limbs' idea and develop this into letting limbs lead me along the set pathway I have constructed (diaganol pathway between upstage left and downstage right). The feedback has also allowed me to connect more with my dance idea (fighting with myself about where I belong i.e. home and moving away) as it will communicate it without having to say it necessarily.

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