Friday 24 January 2014

Contact Improvisation: Katye & Charlie 21/01/14

Today we were working with Charlie as well as Katye on contact improvisation.

The exercise in the video involves 2 people staying in contact with eachother whilst turning. Both mover's pelvis' come stay in contact which also involves the ribcage also sometimes coming into contact. The arms are left suspended in the air to allow the movement and specific point of contact to occur. It was interesting to work this way with a partner, but also made me feel quite dizzy as we were spiralling alot in this exercise and throughout the lesson on a whole.

In addition to this, we also did another partner-based exercise which involved partner A being on there hands and knees, and partner B finding ways to use that person as a form of support.
I really enjoyed this exercise as it introduced a new way of moving for me. It made me feel very supple, and therefore eager to experiment with new ways of moving when in a duet. It was extremely interesting when a new instruction was introduced of both partners moving, and I felt really embodied and intrigued by what was being produced.

Feldenkrais 17/01/2014


Todays Feldenkrais was very different to what we normally encounter as we only lay on the one side which was the left side. In every other Feldenkrais class I have been in it has been very symetrical where if you perform something on the left side you then repeat it on the right. However today we remained on our left side and occasionally lay on our backs.

At the start of the class before lying down on the mats, we stood in parallel and shifted the weight from one side to another, putting pressure into one foot then into the other foot. I was OK with this exercise and didn't have any problems with it.

We then lay down to begin the other exercises. We took hold of our heads and lifted them slightly off the floor at a slow pace with the other arm stretched above the head.

We then repeated the exercise but also lifting the top resting leg. This enabled me to feel work emerging in my ribs and spine.

When repeating these throughout the lesson, I felt that they were becoming easier to perform each time. My body felt more comfertable with what I was performing and I didnt have to strain like I did at the beginning.

We then extended the leg forwards and backwards whilst still holding the head. This increased the feeling I was experiencing in my spine and ribs.

At the end of the lesson, we repeated the first exercise of standing in parallel and transferring the weight from one foot to the other. As we were performing everything on just one side for a change, I knew my balance would be affected and I was correct. I felt very unequal and my balance was thrown off  which caused me to wobble slightly in that finishing exercise.

Skinner Releasing Technique 09/01/14

The image above is an entry to my journal after the first Skinner Releasing Class.
I really enjoyed the technique as it allowed me to feel connected with the group, as well as with my own body. I feel the inner connection was due to the poetic language used that allowed me to visualise parts of my body when doing a 'scan'.
The graphics were really helpful and also allowed me to embrace that connection with myself.

After the class, I carried out some research of my own to find out more about Skinner Releasing Technique. My findings matched my experiences such as imagery being used, graphics being performed on eachother, connecting the mind with the physical body, calm atmosphere in the room etc.