Friday 24 January 2014

Skinner Releasing Technique 09/01/14

The image above is an entry to my journal after the first Skinner Releasing Class.
I really enjoyed the technique as it allowed me to feel connected with the group, as well as with my own body. I feel the inner connection was due to the poetic language used that allowed me to visualise parts of my body when doing a 'scan'.
The graphics were really helpful and also allowed me to embrace that connection with myself.

After the class, I carried out some research of my own to find out more about Skinner Releasing Technique. My findings matched my experiences such as imagery being used, graphics being performed on eachother, connecting the mind with the physical body, calm atmosphere in the room etc.

1 comment:

  1. Would be great to see the references that you found (for example, you could easily find them again in 6 months time) - have you recorded them anywhere else?
