Friday 10 April 2015

Estonia: 27/01/15

Morning Session

I am still, (even though very tired from travelling), excited to work with dancers from another culture/country/dance background and see what Estonia has to offer and what we are going to make together. I am ready to explore and I am carrying with me something which I learnt from the previous performance projects back in December: 

be comfortable with the uncomfortable... embrace it... time and space are always moving... this chance and and these moments will never repeat themselves. 

We have established that because we are dancers, we communicate better via movement rather than speech; this is extremely convenient for this particular situation as there is a language barrier, of where none of us Coventry Students speak Estonian, and English is not the Estonian students' first language. 

Via talking, however, I have discovered how the Estonian students do not engage within contact improvisation sessions for as lon as we do, and I noticed how their attentions and focus' often wandered. 

Afternoon Session

I feel that the morning session, was in theory, an ice-breaker as this afternoon we seem to all be much more comfortable working and moving with eachother.

"Time and space are always shifting"

I have surprised myself by finding that I am in ways enjoying not being able to understand what the Estonian dancers are saying, as it has made more room for curiosity and increased my hunger for a journey and to explore. 

During an improvisation task I worked closely with an Estonian student called Jelena Melts, who described my movement as "like an 'Aero' chocolate bar, light & bubbly" ...interesting!

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