Friday 10 April 2015

International Field Trip : ESTONIA! 26/01/15 (day of travelling)

The big day has come and I am finally travelling to Estonia! I have waited so long for this experience, and even though we have a big day of travelling ahead of us I am so excited, not just for the dancing, but to experience a new culture and country that I was unfamiliar with before the announcement of this trip.
For me especially, I am looking forward to finding out more about myself, and hopefully surprising myself along the way. Having 'Anxiety Disorder' I often stay within my comfort zone and feel even though I am independent financially etc, quite attached to home and being with my family. Even though this trip is only a week long, I want to make myself and my family proud by coping in another country where English is not necessarily a vital language to know, and embrace it. Here I come Estonia!

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