Thursday 27 February 2014

Body Story Assessment 17/02/14

As I was in hospital when the actual date of the assessment was, I had to present my 'Body Story' afterwards on the 17th February. I was upset about not being able to watch the rest of my group's presentations as I was intrigued about their Body Stories due to each one being unique and personal to that person. In addition to this, I was also upset about not sharing my Body Story with them too as I'd of liked to have had feedback from my peers. However, I felt that my presentation went well and I was able to communicate my body's experiences since starting the course. I based my presentation around my spine and my respiratory system, however, the most sensitive part for me was sharing my suffering of Panic Disorder. I was very passionate about getting this across in my presentation as I wanted to raise awareness about the illness, and allow my spectators to see how my body is effected in classes. For example, the imagery created in our minds based upon the poetic language used by the tutors is only a limited thing for me as my panic attacks set in. The main thing however is concentrating on my breath, as for some panic disorder sufferers it can make the attacks escalate, and concentrating on the breath is a big part of the course. However, it was nice to share my experience with Katye, and explain how my body had been effected since beginning the course: not just the unfortunate side i.e. panic attacks, but the benefits too such as an increase in flexibility as well as awareness of my body as a whole when moving. 

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