Thursday 27 February 2014

Skinner Releasing Technique 27/02/2014

First of all in the class today, we returned to a previous idea we worked around, which was 'sponges'. 
We experienced the sponges for ourselves by holding a selection of ones Polly had bought it, i.e. their touch, texture, size, their properties etc. 
We then held these ideas whilst moving, imagining the feet, hands, spine and eventually the whole body as a sponge. 

We then lay down whilst Polly spoke about a "sea of breath".
The image within my mind was of a mermaid singing her breath into the sea, and I was concentrating so much on this image and let it consume me, so I couldn't recollect anything else she said in that part of the lesson. 

We then started to move like a river, that could have whirlpools, tipping, turning etc. It was really beautiful when the group moved in their own times, moving in and out of the 'river space'. 

The graphics which we performed followed the 'river dance' and focused upon the pelvis, ribs and skull. Once the physical graphics had been performed it was easy to imagine your partner's touch when moving independently. The 'phantom hands' made it easier to imagine the '3 spheres' we were concentrating on when transforming the graphics into dances that moved independently. 

I really enjoyed today's lesson as it provided me with new ways of moving as well as thinking, and was the first time in a while that I was able to create imagery in my head based on the poetic language used that didn't trigger a panic attack for me. 

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