Thursday 13 February 2014

Improvisaton/ Instant Composition 10/02/2014

In todays session, we had to think of an 'impossible task', then exchange these tasks with another, and find a way of transforming them into movement.
I provided someone with the task of 'raining fizzy bottle sweets', whilst I recieved the task of 'jumping on my nose'.
We produced our interpretation of the task into material, then made variations by travelling it, slowing it down, taking a chunk of it and repeating it, then finally visually the piece as a piece of paper then folding it in half: the first and last sections become on top of eavhother and therefore as one... this concluded to be impossible as compromises had to be made in order for the movement to be possible.

We then got into groups of 4, and were given the above image as our score to create a piece that included each persons impossible task. We had movements based around rainbows, travelling to another planet, raining sweets and jumping on the nose. But due to the amount of material each person had, it was down to choosing parts to collaborate with anothers.
The final result was brilliant and showed a variety of choreographic ideas.
This lesson was a huge eye-opener for me, as it showed me how much material can be procuded from one very simple idea/task, in such a short amount of time.
It also allowed me to see how one persons interpreation of a task can differ to someone elses, and that neither are wrong, but both ideas can be used to choreograph and create dance.

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