Thursday 13 February 2014

Duet Rehearsal: Performing. #rehearsal1

Today was my first rehearsal as a performer alongside Kelly, for our choreographers: Abbie and Natasha.

The main focus was on the breath. We moved whilst Natasha read from 'Body Space Image' by Miranda Tufnell and Chris Crickmay, then to some music whilst reflecting upon techniques we have learnt in Skinner Releasing and Contact Improvisation.

I found it challenge to sometimes remember which breath I was on as breathing is an involuntary process and can be hard to keep track of when its something you do all the time without thinking.
However, we managed to complete around 2 and a half minutes of material that varied from simply breathing, to moving with the breath, to Skinner Releasing techniques, to moving in unison.

Each time we rehearsed the material it got better due to it becoming more natural in our bodies, and it was easier to let go, enhance the dynamics , and find new ways on moving once the structure was clear in my head.

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