Thursday 27 February 2014

Duets: Choreography

Me and my choreographic partner, Deborah, decided after a discussion, that we were going to base our choreograohy for Gabby and Lewis on the idea of an 'impossible task'. This idea requires a person to write down an impossible task that could refer to anything e.g. 'A rainbow made out of candyfloss'. The partners then exchange the tasks and they have to interpret the task they have received into movement.
As Lewis was absent, Charity kindly stepped in and performed with Gabby. They exchanged 3 tasks each then performed them. The outcomes were fascinating as each person's interpretation of an idea would be completely unique and unlike another's, therefore is was interesting to find out what each dancer's task was and see how they communicated that via movement. One of the exchanges is above and shows Charity 'moving into darkness' and Gabby 're-arranging the universe'. The contrasts were beautiful and really captured my attention as a spectator. From their interpretations, me and Deborah decided to develop the movement material further and add in moments of unison, contrast, contact etc for the next rehearsal.

One idea we created was to develop Charity's 'moving into darkness' piece. We decided that Gabby should shadow Charity's pathway as she moves along the wall, therefore for Gabby to do the same but on the floor. This stays in connection with the impossible task as a 'human shadow'.

In our second rehearsal, Charity taught Lewis her interpretations of the impossible tasks she received. As this happened, seeing her and Lewis in the space together performing one of the tasks in unison inspired me and Deborah to have Gabby and Lewis start the performance with this, with the task being 'lifting the sky'. From this they went into a second set of impossible tasks which they performed individually but at the same time.
Gabby then tried to map what Lewis did across the wall and be his shadow in the video above, which turned out to be quite difficult for her to do, but looks very intriguing and captivating.

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