Tuesday 11 November 2014

Fundraising - First Bake Sale 16/10/14

Today was our first bake sale that we launched in order to raise money for the performance projects in December. As I decided to put myself forward as Fundraising Organiser with Carly as my second role, I really hoped that today would be extremely successful as our first attempt at fundraising to get all of our group excited and motivated for the future events.
I decided to make 'sweetie cones' as my contribution to the bake sale, to compliment everyone else's contributions of brownies, cakes, and smore pops! 
Everyone who contributed made an enormous effort and we managed to raise an amazing £147! I'm really proud of everybody for being so dedicated and I feel it has really bought us together as a dance company so we have good group cohesion. Go Year 2 Dance students!

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