Tuesday 11 November 2014

Performance Projects - Day Three of Intensive Workshop - 15/10/14

Day Three with Fitzgerald and Stapleton

Today was the final day of our first intensive set of days with our choreographers. Looking back over the past 3 days I have learnt a lot about myself including my movement patterns and comfort zone, and how its okay to break the two and experiment.

In today's open practise I was very confident to use my voice whilst engaging with my cells and trying to claim the "originality and uniqueness". I felt comfortable being in contact with other people and again felt a determination to 'double my cells' and take another persons so I have more to play and experiment with. I also experimented with stillness, however, I personally felt a stronger connection with my cells and others if I was moving around, no matter how extravagant or intricate.

We have completed all of the choreography now and are aware of the principles, stage directions, and details that we need to put into the movement in order to reflect the score.

Fitzgerald and Stapleton urged us to create contracts with them so that we sign it and are in agreement of committing to a certain amount of rehearsal time, both in groups and individually. We are also aware of what needs to be completed from now until they return in November, e.g. to write out our self interviews which will be used in the performance in December.

I have really enjoyed working with these two choreographers as my perception of dance has once again been widened, and I am now in connection with new improvisation techniques and movement ideas. Can't wait to see them again in November!

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