Wednesday 19 November 2014

Movement session with guest teacher: Joe Moran

It was a lovely experience to have a studio practise session with the choreographer/performer Joe Moran.

During his session, we discovered that like Fitzgerald and Stapleton, he too is inspired by the principles of Deborah Hay. He repeated the quotes of: "What if where I am is what I need?", however, when he explained it in his specific way of interpretation, I too interpreted the meaning of this quote in a completely different way, which made me question my own practise within the choreography 'The Work The Work Reworked'. When our choreographers explained these principles to us, I thought of what if where I am is what I need as though it refers to the environment: 'where'. However, when Joe Moran discussed his relationship to the principle, I re-considered my original analogy and thought about it in the context of what if where 'I' am is what I need, therefore thinking of it referring to my body, rather than the environment of which my body is in. This for me was mind blowing and complete changed the journey of which I was on, and how I related to the score. 

I found an interview on the internet between a Dance UK intern and Joe Moran, which I found very enlightening and useful when considering him as a maker of dance and a performer:

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