Wednesday 19 November 2014

Fitzgerald & Stapleton, 2nd set of intensive sessions 19/11/14

Above is my journal entry from Day One of the 2nd set of intensive sessions with our choreographers Fitzgerald and Stapleton. It was really nice showing them a run of the performance in our costumes after the weeks of rehearsing and preparing by ourselves without them. They were very pleased with our progress which made us all very excited for tomorrow of where we will practise in the performance space of room 221 in the Ellen Terry building. 

After we performed a run through, which lasted an hour, of the choroegraphy, we split into our two groups again to finalize anything else that we need to in relation to the separate scores we have. My group went on to structure and record our self interviews, to be played whilst we are sitting facing the wall "untroubled by boredom" and "remembering to turn your fucking head". 

Here is my original interview that I produced: 

Hey Chelsea
How are you?
I’m okay thank-you
How are you on this particular day?
I’m tired, but feeling positive non-the-less. I say the same thing to myself every morning, that not every day is a good day, but there is something good in every day
Do you want to get up?
Not really
I’m really cold
What will happen when you get up?
I will have a shower, which when stepping out of it will make me even colder, hence why I don’t want to get up
What will happen after your shower?
I will get dressed, brush my teeth, and leave the house to go to classes
Is your life boring?
Why is it not boring?
I am always busy with university, work, dance, seeing family and friends
Chelsea, do you have any religious beliefs?
Yes I do
What are they?
I believe in God, and I believe in heaven. I have to believe in God, and I have to believe in heaven. I have to believe that I will see my little sisters again one day. Losing them left a deep whole in my heart. I remember staring at their still chests wishing they’d rise and fall, touching their cold cheeks wishing they were warm, and placing my finger in their hands wishing they’d squeeze back, but they didn’t. I know there is a God and I know there is a heaven, because I know that they are both waiting for me.
Do you have a close relationship with your parents?
Yes I have a close relationship with both of my parents
How is this expressed?
I love them both and spend a lot of time with them
What do you do together?
We go to the theatre, for meals, general family day trips with my other brothers and sisters, holidays, and other things
Do you think love exists?
In what form do you think love exists?
The love between family members, like a mother to her child and vice versa
Do you believe it can exist in another form?
Yes, like the love between two people in a relationship together, the love between friends, and the love of an activity or hobby
How do you feel about being a woman in England?
I feel privileged
I have equal rights and opportunities, which is a beautiful thing
Do you care for the environment?
I recycle
You said you work which is a reason why your life is not boring, where do you work?
In a night club
What do you do there?
I dance on stage, and I also work behind the bar
Do you like it?
I love it

We have now chopped each persons down, decided upon the questions that we will be asked, who asks them, and whose answers will be given. Today we recorded the final version, of which we are all very happy with. I really enjoyed writing and recording the self interviews as for me it adds a personal touch to another's choreography, and it was also something to add a collective aspect and cohesion to our group so that we can relate to each other more as well as the score itself. 

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