Tuesday 11 November 2014

My Second Role- Fundraising For Performance Projects

Me and Carly have decided that due to the success of the first bake sale, we will hold weekly ones in the hub in order to raise more money for the performance projects, to cover things such as costumes, the choreographers time, as well as the flights and accommodation of our choreographers.
We have decided to have them on Thursdays and give them themes, and so therefore we have spoken to Abbie whose second role is Marketing and Advertising, and asked her to design a poster.

Through research, I have discovered that home-made goods are an effective fundraising idea that make money, so we are going to as a group decide on things to make e.g. bracelets, and sell them at the bake sales. In addition to this, we have also discussed the following possibilities to raise money:
- open mic nights 
- raffles
- tombolas
- dance performances
- themed events

Carly has said she is going to email some venues in Coventry to ask about having an event there in order to raise money for the dance performance. As she is doing this I am going to think of ways to then raise money from these nights e.g. admission fees, creating our own cocktails of which we will get a certain percentage of the money from etc. 

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