Thursday 13 March 2014

Contact Improvisation 11/03/14

Today we had a guest teacher Jenny Coogan who lead our contact improvisation lesson. We addressed a variety of things in the lesson, including the relationship between ourselves and the floor and how that can vary with a range of points of contact. We also performed an exercise of curving the body whilst lying on the floor.

Whilst doing the movement, Jenny came over and offered me some feedback: similar to a principle we are working upon as a group in Natalie's Release-based contemporary class, I need to work on "quiet ribs", and therefore not over-arching in my spine which inevitably sticks my ribcage out. After a mini group discussion in Natalie's class, we concluded that as dancers, it is a habit of most of ours to present ourselves to our audience and therefore this can lead to things such as pulling the shoulders back, the ribcage forward, and an over-arch in the back. I have been told this various times and I know it is a downfall of mine, but with each movement studies class I feel I am gaining more of a concious control over this habit, and so I can feel myself progressing, which I am happy about.
We also added a section on to the set material that we have learnt with Katye. This material is based around spiralling; and therefore my points to focus on include the "quiet ribcage", keeping the spiral continuous without hesitation (which also links with my movement memory), and a 'soft' body in general with less tension. 

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