Sunday 16 March 2014

Yoga 13/03/14

I really enjoyed today's yoga session and felt a sense of determination within me to go through the sequence without any hesitance.
I worked a lot with Lauren today, such as the 'wheelbarrow race' at the beginning of the lesson, which even though fun, showed to be extremely difficult when considering the placement of the pelvis. I also worked with her when performing hand stands, and the pose in the above picture that works on core strength. After feedback from ballet, I know I need to work on my core stability which will have an inevitable knock on effect on the stablilty and correct placement of my pelvis. So I am concentrating hard in Yoga on improving my core strength. The picture shows the stages of the pose, and how the difficulty can progress e.g. from holding hands to not holding hands.
I love the feeling of 'achievement' I keep experiencing in yoga as I master a new pose. At the beginning of the course I felt no confidence in myself to achieve a lot of the poses within the sequence, however, I am achieving a lot more than I ever expected and feel really proud each time I can perform a new one. This of course means that my flexibility is improving, and my determination to grow in this practise gets stronger as the weeks go on. 

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