Sunday 16 March 2014

Duet: Performance, Rehearsal 13/03/14

I felt pain in my shins from the last rehearsal we had due to running without the correct footwear, but I feel by changing directions more whilst doing this at the start of the routine, and therefore being more agile, I will avoid this from now on.
My choreographers, Abbie and Natasha, decided to adapt the routine again today so that the idea based upon the 'breath leading the movement' is realistic and is actually what is happening with our bodies. We now run at the beginning of the routine whilst changing directions, which leads to running with the occassional movement from another set piece of choreography based upon the breath. These new adaptations are powerful as I can genuinely feel my breath leading my movement, which shows the choreographic intention clearly.
I often feel slightly dizzy at the beginning of the routine as the running combined with odd movements from the set piece, as well as the following 'gliding with whirlpool' idea from Skinner-Releasing technique, involves a lot of spiralling. At one point me and Kelly bumped into eachother which told me that as well as being embodied in the movement, I also need to maintain my spacial awareness and my proiferal vision so I am aware where Kelly is to avoid any accidents.

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