Monday 10 March 2014

Improvisation/ instant composition 10/03/14

Today we continued with the idea of saying 'yes and no' through movement. We did this via a range of exercises such as travelling individually and imagining someone making resistance to restrict your movement, and then being free. We then repeated the exercise but did it in partners with someone restricting your movement and saying 'no' to you via movement.
We later did a task that required two people to have a conversation through movement whilst travelling. From this, me and Deborah had a similar idea of transforming this task into an 'impossible task' for our performers Gabby and Lewis to interpret. We had a discussion after today's improv lesson and decided to name the task 'speak without speaking' and to give this to Gabby and Lewis in our next rehearsal.
My favourite exercise of today's lesson with Becca was the last task we did called 'flocking'where we got into a tight group, then the front person would perform an action or actions that the rest would follow, then if the facings changed a new leader would therefore be present and take over. Later interventions from Becca included 'you can be a follower, or break out and be a leader, or repeat'. With these new options, beautiful choreography was produced from improvising. Listening to people's thoughts after the task was interesting as some had similar experiences to me and others didn't. For example, I felt an urge to be a leader and break out, where others wanted to repeat previous movements. Regardless of this, the dance idea was brilliant and I really enjoyed the task and moving with the group as a whole. 

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