Thursday 27 March 2014

How can a blog support you as an artist

When we was creating our choreography for the duet assessment, I researched blogs that I thought could assist me in my making. Now we have been given our 'placing practice in context' essays to complete over Easter, some of the blogs are still relevant to my new research:
I was told to watch work by Jerome Bel for my duet as it could potentially help me with what I was working with. Therefore I researched various blogs that made comments upon his work to get a wider range of views based upon his choreography and what he works like. Blogs included: 

Though these blogs can still aid me in the development and construction of my essay as Jerome Bel is one of my choices of choreographers to consider, I also researched blogs by Rosemary Lee as her work was also relevant to what me and Deborah was working with:

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