Monday 17 March 2014

Duet: Rehearsal 17/03/14

Today we went over the material from the last rehearsal so it is firmly in our movement memorys for Thursday's 'First Year Show'.
We also addressed any issues and made changes to things so that the desirable effect is enhanced. For example, to really demonstrate the idea of the breath leading the movement instead of the movement leading the breath, we needed to test out different ways of showing this to the audience. So we have added a motif of where I will make a variety of breathing noises/movements such as blowing, panting, sucking the air in etc and Kelly will respond by moving her body in the direction of where my breath is going. This along with other added motifs demonstrates that the breath is the leader and is therefore initiating the movements which follow.
The idea of us running at the beginning is really having a positive effect on the performance as the breath is real and active, and more importantly not forced; which increases it's authenticity.

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