Thursday 6 March 2014

Improvisation/ Instant Composition 03/03/14

Today I wasn't feeling to great as I had pain in my right side similar to the one I experienced a few weeks ago, so I decided to just observe. However, via observing I was still able to make myself a part of the lesson by visualizing the tasks and interpreting the poetic language within my own mind and see what that developed for me. 

I still made a journal entry from the lesson including various quotes from Becca, and some of the imagery used. The lesson also triggered movement ideas for my duet that I am choreographing for Gabby and Lewis with Deborah, as they can be edited into 'impossible tasks' which is my dance idea. I asked Becca for reference points if I was to use and modify these tasks in my choreography, and she said they came from 'Wendy Houstan' from DV8, and others came from Motion House, and Yale Flexor; therefore I am going to research these artists and companies and see if any inspiration for my choreography arises. 

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