Monday 10 March 2014

Duet: Choreography 10/03/14

In todays rehearsal, Gabby and Lewis went over the material we have so far which include the 'impossible tasks' of:
- Lifting the sky
- Taking the colours out of the rainbow
- Hiding from the light
- Human shadow
- Walking on the sun
- Listening to the centre of the earth
- Re-arranging the skeletal system
Me and Deborah have now again decided to add another task which will bring them eventually together into some contact work, produced by improvisation. We gave them the task of 'walking on the moon', and told them to interpret it separately. I really love watching people's interpretations of a dance idea as it's always going to be different to another person's approach. Gabby produced material that was slow, consistent, and doesnt travel much. Whereas Lewis' choreography travelled around the perimeter of the studio, and included elevations, walking, and contrasts of dynamics. We then told them that once their pathways cross, they should remember the impossible task at hand and the material that have just produced and improvise around it. It was a working progress, but the result was interesting and showed both of their indivudual ideas as well as variations that arose due to them now being in contact.

In the next rehearsal, me and Deborah have decided to get our performers to rehearse what they have so far as one piece rather than lots of individual motifs. We have also decided to include the task from todays Improvisation/ Instant Composition class of 'speaking without speaking'. From the feedback from the 'work in progress' we had, we feel our duet is looking like 2 solos and therefore hopefully the task from today and the next task we introduce will simultaneously introduce some established relationship between Gabby and Lewis, without it being a stereotypical one between a male and a female in space.

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