Sunday 23 March 2014

Performance! #FirstYearShow #CoventryUniversity

I managed to film Gabby and Lewis in their first rehearsal today as we were unable to watch the performances on the night. 
I feel the lighting and the costumes really add to a 'journey' theme, and add interest and thought into how they move. 
Me and Deborah spoke with Katye at the end, and decided that the points to give them to be aware of included:
- not to over dramatize the impossible tasks, which we appreciate is hard as they have to believe they are in these tasks and are genuinely involved in them. However with things like when Gabby is gripped onto Lewis' ankles at the end, those things are genuinely hard, and don't need any extra fake noises as the difficulty can be shown through authentic noises of struggle.
- if Lewis is going to bang on the curtain after the 'human shadow' section, then he needs to do it harder but be careful not to rattle the chains at the bottom of them. 
- and to walk into the darkness with Gabby still gripped on to Lewis' ankles, as it looks more effective and as though their journey is continuing somewhere else.
They both agreed, and said they did the performance with these things in mind and felt good about how it went, which made me feel very proud and happy. Both I and Deborah are very pleased with what we have choreographed and how it was being performed in the rehearsals, and are excited for any feedback next week. 

For my performance, I felt it was successful in demonstrating the choreographic idea as I could feel my breath leading my movement, which was a scary thing to share with an audience as it is unusual, but was exciting at the same time. I was nervous about running as changing corners and directions can potentially cause someone to fall over or slip, but thankfully it didn't happen, and I was able to continue with the choreography and allow myself to really 'be in the moment' and explore the breath.

Overall, I really enjoyed choreographing a piece for the first year show, as well as performing in it (including the group piece). The overall assignment and experience involved a variety of emotions (which sometimes all came together at once!) but was all worth it in the end. 

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