Sunday 30 March 2014

Discussion in relation to the duet: with Angie

As Angie wasn't involved in either my choreography or performance, I had my discussion with her. 
I told Angie how at the beginning of the assignment I was excited to have the only male/ female duet, as it flooded my brain with loads of potential ideas and concepts to challenge. 
Deborah was a brilliant choreographic partner, and we bounced off each others input to create a range of ideas to test out. 
However, absences and lateness from the performers made me anxious and nervous about how secure our end result would be. Nevertheless, we were able to produce a performance that communicated the choreographic idea and after speaking to several audience members after the show, had the desired affect: they kept guessing to see what they were going to do next, which demonstrated a journey. 
I found it hard, however, in the choreographic process to communicate feedback and ideas due to resistance and apprehensiveness. Though Angie told me how her experiences were the same, which didn't make me feel so at a loss to others in my group. 
As a performer, I was open to new ideas from my choreographers and we had good communication throughout the assignment. I felt at ease throughout the whole process, which made me comfortable and confident to suggest ideas and say when I felt something wasn't working. I enjoyed performing with Kelly and working with Abbie and Natasha as my choreographers, as there was always a sense of group coherence and a good vibe.
The overall experience for me was an eye-opener, and showed me what I am in fact capable of. I have learnt so much from this experience, including communication skills, openness to new ideas, and my ability to perform as well as choreograph.

Listening to Angie's experience, I felt she had similar issues to me involving the 'commitments' we had established as a group at the beginning of the process. She overcame them by speaking to her performers/choreographers to establish a mutual understanding. Angie also had to choreograph by herself, which added extra pressure for her. But I thought her choreography was something to be proud of and communicated a clear choreographic intention. 

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