Thursday 27 March 2014

Contact Improvisation 25/03/14

Here is an entry from my Artist Journal of what I recorded from a partner graphic we did in today's lesson.
I was really delighted that I was able to let go and give up the weight and responsibility of my skull, as I normally really struggle with tasks like this, especially due to me holding so much tension in my jaw.
I felt such a difference in my skull and enjoyed the experience that much that I am going to take Katye's advice and repeat this graphic outside of the lesson as I loved being able to "give my skull a break". I also think its an experience everyone should be able to enjoy so I am going to share the graphic with my family, as I know my mom will definitely appreciate it like I did.
It was also an accomplished feeling being a successful supporter and hearing that Angie felt safe in my care and was also able to let go without a feeling of doubt or nervousness.

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